Lambda Labs Workstation Setup

Use this tutorial to help you setup a new Lambda-labs workstation.

After changing the power cable to the compatible one, follow the below steps:

When you turn on the station for the first time, there will be a wizard window asking you to

  • Enter the name of the root e.g. asr
  • Enter the name of the station e.g. asr3
  • Enter the password of the root user e.g. asr123
  • Select a region, select Riyadh

    Open the terminal and write the following commands ( updates could take some time)
$ sudo apt-get update

$ sudo apt-get upgrade

* You might need to update again after upgrading.

Download Miniconda from the browser, then go to the directory where it is installed, open the terminal and run the .exe file

$ sudo bash

* Please specify the location to be in /opt/ folder

Run the following commands in the terminal

$ export PATH=$PATH:/opt/miniconda3/bin

$ conda init

Create a group

$ sudo groupadd groupname

Create a user (repeat for each user)

$ sudo adduser username

Change a password for the user (repeat for each user)

$ sudo passwd username

Add the user to the group (repeat for each user)

$ sudo usermod -a -G groupname username

Create a shared folder e.g. workspace folder

$ sudo mkdir workspace

Go to the directory where miniconda is installed (/opt) then make miniconda owner of the group

$ chown -R :groupname /path/of/miniconda

Change miniconda permissions to the group i.e. make it able to read, write, and execute (rwx)

$ chmod 777 -R {the miniconda/anaconda path}

Change miniconda permissions to sticky permissions

$ chmod ug+s -R {the miniconda/anaconda path}

To find the IP address of the station

$ ip r

Install OpenSSH Server

$ sudo apt-get install openssh-server

$ sudo apt-get install openssh-server

$ sudo systemctl start ssh

Test OpenSSH by login into the system

$ ssh user@ip-address


When you complete the steps described above, ensure each user follows the next steps to enable them to use the public conda.

From each user’s account, type

$ export PATH=$PATH:/opt/miniconda3/bin

If it does not work, you can type:

$ export PATH=/opt/anaconda3/bin:$PATH

Then run:

$ conda init

Shaikhah Alsubaie

Written on July 22, 2022